My vegan rollercoaster

Indigo Jones
3 min readNov 25, 2020
Image source: Indigo Jones

(Originally written for Quench Magazine 27/07/20

From the title you’re probably thinking, “Alton Towers have introduced a weird new ride”, but alas you’d be wrong. A vegan rollercoaster is probably the best way to describe my relationship with food over the past 6 months. It all began way before lockdown, at the beginning of the year when we thought 2020 would be like the 1920s; one big celebration hosted by Jay Gatsby himself. After having been a pescatarian for numerous years in the past, I thought I’d take plunge and attempt Veganuary. I went from eating meat, dairy, eggs etc to cutting it all out in a day. I immediately saw a difference physically and mentally, whether that was through weight loss, an improvement in health and fitness or cosmetically as my skin cleared up. I felt a sense of confidence in myself that I had not felt for years. I became obsessed with finding out whether my favourite foods were vegan, what restaurants had the best options, which supermarkets sold the best vegan cheese/ sheese alternatives (tip: it’s Morrisons). It was something new that I felt passionate about, and in turn I thoroughly enjoyed my new way of life.

When lockdown began, I saw my opportunity to yet again begin my quest in veganism, but as quarantine had its highs and lows so did my new dietary adventure. I believed that the lack of temptation from restaurants and takeaways would be beneficial to my new plant-based journey, only to be stumped when these same restaurants and takeaways slowly began to open. I found myself saying “I’ll start again tomorrow” or “Maybe next week”, and then felt down on myself and guilty when I would slip up. I would class myself as a vegetarian one minute, pescatarian the next and I felt like I was being judged for faltering with my attempt at veganism. On a personal note due to the uncertainty of Covid-19 and my last year of University I lacked motivation, whether that was work related or diet related. I felt a lack of urgency and incentive to do what was necessary, then as a result I began to fall in to bad habits. I would order a takeaway because I couldn’t be bothered to cook, or I would throw my months of hard work away just for a chocolate biscuit, and for what? In the end I just disappointed myself.

When I first set out to write this article, I wanted to make sure I was extremely transparent in how I struggled and continue to struggle with my progression to becoming vegan. Like any dietary change, it takes a lot of will-power and perseverance and going into it you need to have the realisation that you will slip up sometimes and that’s ok. So, am I still a vegan? Technically no, technically yes. I have opted to not label myself, and instead make a difference in my own way by taking my time transitioning and by using as little animal products as possible. I think that we should put less pressure on people who do or do not use animal products and instead allow them to go at their own pace. I once read that if you did something every day for 28 days it becomes a habit, so that’s my new challenge, motivating myself to make veganism a challenge instead of a chore. Although, my current mentality is that by reducing my intake or usage I’m helping in one form or another, and I believe that is the mentality of many people today. I plan on putting less pressure on myself and go back to how I felt in January, which was enjoying my newfound vegan lifestyle. But for now, I will get on this vegan rollercoaster again, I’ll enjoy the ups and downs, and I’m looking forward to what this bumpy ride has in store for me.



Indigo Jones

MA International Journalism student at Cardiff University. Writing and reviewing all things food, travel and theatre, with the odd opinion piece here and there.